Olympic Athletes Use Chiropractic

Chiropractic care was offered as one of the core services for athletes for the first time ever at the London Olympic and Paralympic Games in 2012.

The inclusion of chiropractic services at the Olympics reflects the fact that chiropractic has become a key part of an athlete’s training and recovery programme. In fact, it is estimated that at least 90% of elite athletes use chiropractic on a regular basis to prevent injuries and to improve their performance.

Great athletes take care of their bodies. If you want optimum performance and longevity you must take care of your body, and that starts with the spine and nervous system.

The 2016 Olympics take place in Rio between the 5th and 21st of August. For more info visit: https://www.olympic.org/rio-2016

Tiger Woods – “Lifting weights and seeing a chiropractor on a regular basis have made me a better golfer. I’ve been going to chiropractors for as long as I can remember. It’s as important to my training as practicing my swing.”

Bradley Wiggins quote about his Chiropractor – “From the first session with my Chiropractor I had great results that were not short lived. That, followed up with regular sessions, I saw improvements that I had never seen before and that reflected in the way my body held up on a day to day basis which eventually saw me achieve 4th place in the 2009 Tour de France under his supervision. My Chiropractor will undoubtedly remain an integral part of my medical support in the forthcoming seasons and lead up to the London 2012 Olympic Games.”

Dan O’Brien (Double Olympic and World Championship Decathlon Gold medallist.) – “Were it not for chiropractic I would not have won the gold medal.”


Usain Bolt Having a Chiropractic Adjustment


The Value of Chiropractic Care in Birth Preparation

Chiropractic care during pregnancy is vital to assist the normal physiological function of both the mother and baby in pregnancy and birth. For example, chiropractic care helps the mother in pregnancy and birth by:
•Reducing interference to the mother’s nervous system, which co-ordinates all of the systems and functions in her body
•Helping to create a state of balance in the pelvic muscles, ligaments and bony structures, thereby preparing the pelvis for an easier pregnancy and birth
•Reducing torsion to the woman’s uterus (also known as intrauterine constraint) by removing tension on the ligaments that support the uterus
•Allowing for a safer and easier birth for the mother, thereby decreasing the potential for intervention
Chiropractic care also supports vital physiological functions for the infant by:
•Encouraging better baby development by removing interference to the mother’s nervous system
•Helping to create more room in the uterus for the baby to develop without restrictions to its forming skeletal structures, spine and cranium
•Thereby allowing the baby room to move into the best possible position for birth
•Significantly reducing the possibility of dystocia (delayed birth) and the resulting birth trauma that can be caused by intervention
intrauterine birth trauma
There are three main reasons why chiropractic should be a part of every pregnancy:
1.Chiropractic helps provide structural balance and stability for the mother, resulting in a more comfortable pregnancy.
2.Research studies have revealed that pregnant mothers who receive chiropractic care during their pregnancy tend to have a shorter labour with less medical intervention.
3.By supporting better function in the mother’s body, chiropractic care during pregnancy can help to create a healthier and more comfortable in-utero environment for the newborn, helping them to get a better start to life. In fact, research suggests that there is a strong link between the baby’s experience in the in utero environment and their lifelong health potential.

High Heels

Research suggests that 59% of women wear high-heeled shoes for between one to eight hours per day. It may not be surprising then that shoes with an increased heel height have been linked to low back pain.

When you wear high heels, most of your weight is supported by the ball of your foot. That part of your foot, unfortunately, wasn’t meant to do the kind of heavy lifting your heel is designed for. To compensate for the high heel, you end up adjusting your posture, which is detrimental to your long-term spinal health.

Your back’s normal s-curve acts as a shock absorber, reducing stress on the vertebrae. Wearing heels causes low-back spine flattening and a backward displacement of the head and spine.
In addition, the hip flexor muscles (in the upper front part of your thighs) have to work much longer and harder to help you walk due to the downward position of your feet. If you habitually overuse hip flexor muscles, the muscles can get shorter and a contracture can occur. This can also cause your spine to flatten.

Excessive high heel use will cause your calf muscles to permanently shorten and tighten. This will cause pain in other places, such as the ball of your foot, knees, hip or back.

Tips to a healthy back

• Minimise the length of time you spend wearing heels in general
• Try not to stand for too long at any one time in high heels
• When sitting, remove your shoes and stretch out your feet
• Carry flat shoes with you in your bag, so you can swap shoes when walking long distances
• Remove your shoes when in the house and wear flat slippers
• Avoid open back or slide-on shoes that require toe gripping. This can result in hammer toes and foot tension.
• While the ideal height is no heel, a two-inch heel will cause less pain or damage than higher ones.
• Regularly visit a Chiropractor

How Do You Sleep?

Do you wake up with a sore neck or back in the mornings? Do you stomach sleep? Try walking around with your head turned to one side. It won’t take long for you to begin feeling pain, soreness, dizziness or neck/shoulder tension. Your body doesn’t like this standing up, and I promise you that it doesn’t like it when you’re lying face down with your head on a pillow either.

The fact is, wrenching your head and neck in this way for even just a few minutes while sleeping can significantly strain the muscles and ligaments of the spine. Repeatedly doing so every night for years slowly adds pressure to the joints and nerves, contributing to spinal degeneration and allowing for the development of a variety of health problems.

don't sleep on your stomach

Try sleeping on your back.

– Use a neck support pillow to maintain the arch in your neck. The back of the head should be pretty close, if not directly on the mattress.

– Place a pillow under your knees to remove pressure from your lower back.

back sleeping

Or sleep on your side:

– Support your head and neck with enough pillows (fold it in half to make it thicker if you have a thin pillow) to keep your neck in-line with your spine.

– Place a pillow between your knees to remove pressure from your lower back and pelvis.

– Hug a body pillow close to your chest with your top arm, making sure not to raise your arms above shoulder height to prevent circulation and nerve impairment. This is probably the main thing that will assist in switching to side-sleeping, since stomach-sleepers want to feel something close to their front-side.

side sleeping


Adjust your lifestyle for maximum healthy sleep:

– If you find you roll onto your stomach during the night, try sowing something uncomfortable (eg, a small soft toy) to the front of your night shirt. This will train you not to turn over!

– Perform a stretching or meditation routine before bed to help you relax and prime your mind for quiet.

– Do not have any caffeine after 10am if you plan to sleep by 10pm. Caffeine can affect your ability to get to sleep over 12 hours later and can make your muscles very tense.

– Exercise during the day.

– Reduce the amount of light in your room. Studies show that ANY amount of light will affect your internal clock, including that from alarm clocks.

Running and Chiropractic

Maybe you’ve never thought about chiropractic care. After all, as a regular runner, you’re pretty healthy. You’ve never sustained any lasting injuries and you don’t feel constant pain. What would be the point in seeing a chiropractor?

You’re not alone in your thought process. Athletes and non-athletes alike assume that chiropractic care is only beneficial if you are experiencing pain. Not so. In fact, many athletes and sports teams employ the services of a chiropractor on a regular basis. “Why,” you ask? Well, the answer is simple, really. It is much easier to keep a healthy person healthy than it is to treat a person already in pain.

Ideally, if you had perfect alignment, your body could handle almost anything. However, few people, if any, have perfect body alignment. While running, the musculoskeletal system may absorb up to 250-300% of the runner’s weight on the heel strike, and this exerts stress on the body. Additional issues in the feet, like flat feet or high arches, can also contribute to the problem. Running can put you at very high risk for conditions ranging anywhere from pain in the feet, shoulders, and lower back, to pinched nerves and sciatic pain.

Of course, the problems don’t occur overnight. Alignment problems take time to develop. It takes even longer for the pain to set in. Once you actually start feeling pain from your alignment issues, you are already in pretty poor shape. Now, instead of preventing injuries, your chiropractor will have to help repair injuries. While it doesn’t have to be this way, it is sadly all too common.

In preventive cases, a chiropractor can give a good overall evaluation, teaching the patient how to prevent injuries and maintain good alignment – thereby reducing the chance of injury. For those looking for preventive treatment, your chiropractor can help assess and evaluate your condition by offering scans of your feet, testing for strength imbalances and an analysis of your posture. In addition, the chiropractor can also suggest a program suited to your needs to prevent injury in the future.

If you are a runner and you have never seen a chiropractor, now is the best time to start taking advantage of chiropractic care.

Chiropractic, Fertility and Birth Preparation


Did you know chiropractic has many benefits before, during and after pregnancy?

BEFORE you become pregnant, your doctor of chiropractic can detect any imbalances in the pelvis or elsewhere in your body that could contribute to pregnancy discomfort or possible neuromusculoskeletal problems after childbirth.

Chiropractic may even help with infertility issues. The nerves that regulate and control your reproductive system exit from the spine. If there is any type of distortion or interference in those nerves that keeps them from working properly, infertility may result. A study published in the peer-reviewed Journal of Vertebral Subluxation Research looked at the effectiveness of chiropractic for infertility. It followed 15 women who ranged in age from 22 – 65 with a history of infertility. 14 of the 15 subjects became pregnant within 2 – 20 months of starting chiropractic care. The 65-year-old did not get pregnant, but after a lifetime with no menstrual periods, she began menstruating 4 weeks after beginning chiropractic adjustments.


DURING PREGNANCY many pregnant women have found that chiropractic adjustments provide relief from the increased low-back pain brought on by pregnancy. Chiropractic adjustments are extremely safe for mum and baby and can be especially helpful when trying to avoid medications in treating back pain. Another goal is to help prepare the body for birth by releasing the soft tissues around the pelvis which can restrict the baby’s position. The Webster technique can also help encourage a breech baby to turn into the correct position.

According to recent studies, chiropractic care may result in easier pregnancy including increased comfort during the third trimester and delivery and reduced need for analgesics (pain medication). In one study, women receiving chiropractic care through their first pregnancy had 24% reduction in labour times and subjects giving birth for the second or third time reported 39% reduction in shorter labour times. In another study, the need for analgesics was reduced by 50% in the patients who received adjustments. In addition, 84% of women report relief of back pain during pregnancy with chiropractic care. When women receive chiropractic care throughout pregnancy, the sacroiliac joints of the pelvis function better. As a result, there is significantly less likelihood of back labour (contractions and sharp pain felt in the lower back during labour). Chiropractic care has helped new mothers become more comfortable breastfeeding (posture-wise) as well as to produce more milk.

prenatal chiro

AFTER BIRTH it’s also important to get yourself checked within 8 weeks of giving to avoid developing problems in the future. This is due to the effects of relaxin, the hormone which is released to allow your joints to relax so you can give birth more easily. Over the 6-8 weeks following birth your relaxin levels return to normal and your joints stiffen up again. This is why it’s important to make sure your body is in the correct alignment as often over time joints that have stiffened in the wrong place lead to lower back pain and problems in the future.


If you are planning a pregnancy or already pregnant, it’s wise to have your spine checked by a chiropractor.

Complimentary Scoliosis Checks For Under 16’s

Is your child’s spine developing properly? We are offering complimentary checks under 16’s throughout June for Scoliosis Awareness Month.

Scoliosis is a progressive condition causing the spine to curve or twist into a “C” or “S” shape.

• Scoliosis is quite common, affecting two to three in every 100 people.
• In eight out of 10 cases, the condition usually develops between the ages of 10 and 16, during the growth spurt of puberty.
• During adolescence, girls are much more likely to be affected. This is probably because girls typically have shorter and faster growth spurts than boys.
• Scoliosis can go unnoticed in a child because it is rarely painful in the formative years.

Early intervention is important, as chances for stabilization and reduction of the curve are higher. Early signs of scoliosis can be detected WITHOUT the patient having pain or symptoms. Parents should watch for the following symptoms:

• Uneven shoulders/Leaning to one side
• Prominent shoulder blade(s)
• Uneven waistline
• Elevated or uneven hips
• Curving spine that looks like an “S” or “C” when viewed from behind

Back and leg pains may develop but are often dismissed as “growing pains.” Many parents consult our office soon after the birth of their child. Then they follow up with periodic chiropractic check-ups throughout their child’s developing years.

Chiropractic adjustments can help restore motion to the joints, relax the muscles, and significantly reduce the pain.
Through gentle chiropractic adjustments, specific therapies, stretching and home exercises, patients can see improvement.

Please feel free to contact the clinic on 02893 366446 for advice or to arrange an appointment.

What Our Patients Say

Here are just a few testimonials for Dr Graeme.

Our whole family (we range in age from 10 – 73) has been going to DrGraeme once a month for years. We see this as one of the most important gifts that we are giving our children: they grow and develop with full function in their bodies. Both of our children are sporty and any injuries are addressed every month, helping them to continue to progress in their sports, concentrate at school and enjoy new challenges in life. As adults we really look forward to our monthly adjustments, coming out feeling 10 years younger and ready to face the challenges of work and home. Several years ago, our dog had an accident and the vet told us he would have permanent damage to his tail with concerns about his spine. After a course of adjustments he was back to normal and there have been no issues since. I wouldn’t just recommend chiropractic, I would suggest that it should be considered a valuable part of everyone’s health regime as both preventative and addressing physical issues as they arise.
– The Brutons

(Dr Graeme has studied animal chiropractic at the International Academy of Veterinary Chiropractic. This is a postgraduate programme open to Veterinarians and Doctors of Chiropractic. All animals may suffer from back, neck, pelvic and musculoskeletal problems at some time during their life. And like us, they benefit from Chiropractic care!)

I wanted to optimize my health and take positive steps to improve my wellbeing before I reach 50! I heard about Dr Graeme and his willingness to give his patients time and a personal programme – Several friends had told me about improvements in their health after attending his practice. I have attendend regularly and have never felt better! As an asthmatic for 36 years, I rarely use my inhaler now and I have not had a migraine since becoming a regular user of chiropractic. We have now become a chiropractic family under Dr Graeme’s care; and that’s the whole family – Horses, dogs and cat included!
– K Sinclair

I first went to see the chiropractor about my shoulder, and to see if I could get any relief from something I had come to accept as an old injury and had been putting off for years, as the usual pain killers and previous attempts to improve it through conventional treatment had not been successful. I initially had a scan and an interview and was listened to about any problems I have or had previously and after my first scan it was plain to see where my problem areas where in the spine.

I was happy after my first adjustments because even though I attended primarily for my shoulder I learned a bit more than I expected, and the proof was after a few adjustments I could feel relief from other pains in my neck and back that I was not even aware of. After only 12 visits I was rescanned and I was able to see from the first and second scan the improvements to all areas, and the most satisfying part of the treatment is feeling the benefit for yourself.

I have increased strength in my shoulder and after alignment was achieved I was introduced to exercises to support the joint and build up muscle to help the body heal. I noticed during my treatment that it is necessary to increase water intake and pay attention to in my case, stress levels and the physical way I deal with it from posture to tension. Knowing what and how to do it helps give back control and goals to work to and is well worth the effort when it comes to personal health, so I would recommend anyone else with similar problems to give it a try. The staff are friendly and listen on every visit and offer a wealth of advice should you need it.

– R McC

I first started going to this Chiropractic Clinic about a year and a half ago. I was stressed in my job, grinding and clenching my jaw (causing head and neck aches). I remember feeling quite nervous when I first phoned but I was instantly reassured by Zoe, who explained exactly how the treatments worked. After the first 3 weeks of treatment I noticed I was sleeping better, my energy levels increased and my mood improved. Gradually, my stress levels have evened out and I feel very much back in control of my health. I would recommend chiropractic to anyone who wants to take care of their body naturally for overall health. Incidentally, since taking the fish oil I’ve not so much as had a sniffle! Huge thanks to the team!
-A Jarrold

Migraine Headaches

Those who suffer from migraine will know too well that it is much more than just a headache. It can strike anywhere and any time, often without warning.

Migraine affects about 15 in every 100 people in the UK and is most common in adults aged between 20 and 50. Women are twice as likely to suffer from the condition as men.

Migraine is a complex entity, usually characterized by unilateral head pain of a pulsating or throbbing quality. Clinically, migraine is subdivided into five phases: prodrome, aura, headache phase, headache resolution and postdrome. The prodrome is experienced by about 60% of migraine sufferers and is characterized by mood changes, food cravings, increased or decreased appetite, nausea, numbness and tingling, an inability or difficulty to speak and clumsiness/weakness of one side of the body. This is followed by an aura phase, experienced by about 20% of migraine sufferers, typically characterized by bright dots of lights in the visual field and saw tooth crescents of light. Following the aura phase, the headache begins, lasting anywhere between 4-72 hours. The headache is then followed by the postdromal phase, which is characterized by fatigue, irritability, mood changes and food intolerance.

Dysfunction of the cervical spine can be related to pain in the head /migraine, via the trigeminocervical complex (figure 1). In simplified terms this involves convergence of the greater occipital nerve (second cervical nerve, C2), with the trigeminal nerve (cranial nerve, V1) as it conveys pain sensation from the periphery towards the brain. This convergence can result in the brain interpreting pain as if it were originating in the head, when actually it may be originating in the joints of the cervical spine, thus resulting in a headache.

Figure 1
Trigeminal fig 1

Chiropractic care may reduce the severity and frequency of migraine headaches, particularly in those patients with a cervicogenic/neck component to their migraine. Furthermore, the amount of medication required by migraine sufferers is often reduced during and following care. Some patients even report their migraines stop altogether! This can have a profound effect on people’s lives. Frequent migraines can be debilitating and can render a person unable to work, unwilling to socialise or even to get out of bed.

Find studies on migraine headaches and chiropractic here

Many patients find relief of migraines through chiropractic care. Please don’t suffer! If you would like to arrange a consultation, please call one of our clinics to make an appointment.

How Long Do You Sit Each Day?

You’d have thought sitting down would be good for your back. Surely taking the pressure off when you’ve been walking about gives your body a bit of a rest? Unfortunately, nothing could be further from the truth.

Sitting down for long periods has been shown to cause many physical problems, including back pain. This is particularly acute if you work in an office or are seated for the majority of the day.

It’s alarming how long we sit without moving at all. A study for BUPA found only one in five workers left their desk during the day to get a drink or go to the toilet (1). Which means an unbelievable 80% of people stay exactly where they are for their entire working day. All day, off their feet. Add into this equation that a lot of people then spend most of their leisure time on the sofa in front of the TV and you have a worryingly sedentary outcome. By contrast, the British Chiropractic Association recommends you don’t sit for more than 30-40 minutes at a time.

Sitting for long periods can weaken the back muscles, making it harder for your back to work properly. This isn’t a problem just for office workers and the elderly. Recent research from the British Chiropractic Association shows 40% of 16 to 34 years olds who said they had experienced back or neck pain spent the majority of their time ‘mainly sitting’, while 32% reported back pain was triggered by sitting still for long periods of time. Sitting is not only bad for your back, it has negative effects on your overall health.

Why sitting is bad for more than just your spine!

What can I do to prevent back pain caused by sitting? Aside from taking a job which requires you to be on your feet most of the day, undoing the effects of being seated for so many hours isn’t easy. Our advice is to avoid or minimise sitting as much as possible.

• Stand up while you are on the phone. Better yet, pace!
• Walk more around your house.
• Take the stairs.
• Walk after you eat lunch.
• Park your car farther away from your destination. Don’t look for that perfect spot up close.
• Take the long route!
• Get vigorous about your daily cleaning and cooking.
• Work your calves when you brush your teeth!
• Stand up and stretch when you’re at your computer a lot.
• Don’t send emails if the recipient is in walking distance. Get up, walk and talk.
• Stand up or do exercises while watching TV.
• Consider a standing workstation.
• Refill your water glass every hour.
• Reduce television and home computer use. Try recording programmes to allow you to fast forward the advertising.

1. Get Away From Your Desk – British Chiropractic Association http://www.chiropractic-uk.co.uk/get-away-from-your-desk-207-news.aspx
2. Don’t sit back – British Chiropractic Association http://www.chiropractic-uk.co.uk/dont-sit-back-196-news.aspx
3. Sitting for long periods ‘is bad for your health’ – BBC http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-19910888
4. Sitting time and all-cause mortality risk in 222,497 Australian adultshttp://archinte.jamanetwork.com/article.aspx?articleid=1108810