Growing Pains

Growing pains are the most common cause of leg cramps in young children. Despite occurring in up to 36.9 % of children, our understanding of why it occurs still remains poor. What Are the Possible Causes of Leg Cramps? Muscle overuse, misalignment of the joints (such as knock-knees or flat-feet) and even psychological factors have all been suggested as playing a role, however, none of these theories have been conclusive. What we do know is that recurrent pain negatively impacts physical, mental and schooling aspects of a child’s life. Growing pains are a significant cause of childhood discomfort and for… Read More →

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The Webster Technique

Do any reading about chiropractic treatment during pregnancy and the chances are you will have either read about or have seen videos posted on the internet about “The Webster Technique”. What is it? “The Webster Technique is defined as a specific chiropractic analysis and adjustment that reduces interference to the nerve system and facilitates biomechanical balance in pelvic structures, muscles and ligaments. This has been shown to reduce the effects of intrauterine constraint, allowing the baby to get into the best possible position for birth.” (Jeanne Ohm). The aim is to make pregnancy as pain free as possible and to… Read More →

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Gardening Hints and Tips

From when the gardening season begins in spring and until the end of the summer chiropractors have an influx of patients with back pain caused by over-zealous gardening. One of the fundamental causes of back pain when gardening is prolonged stretching and overuse of the ligaments and joints in the spine. Digging, stooping and bending over whilst planting place considerable stress on the lower joints of the lumbar spine and can cause them to become inflamed and tender. Here is a short video with some helpful tips to prevent injuries in the garden

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Do You Have Forward Head Posture?

Forward Head Posture Texting and using mobile devices for long periods of time could lead to lower life expectancy, according to the United Chiropractic Association (UCA). Forward-leaning posture increases the risk of an early death in elderly people and there are fears that younger people might be knocking time off their lives by using this posture when they text, go online, send emails or play games on phones and other mobile devices. The UCA, which has around 600 members across the UK, says that poor posture is as big a health risk as obesity and is highlighting the dangers as… Read More →

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Chiropractic and Neuralgia

  Neuralgia is a sharp, shocking pain that follows the path of a nerve and is due to irritation or damage to the nerve. Trigeminal Neuralgia Trigeminal neuralgia is a disorder of the fifth cranial nerve which causes episodes of intense, stabbing, electric shock-like pain in the areas of the face where the branches of the nerve are distributed – lips, eyes, nose, scalp, forehead, upper jaw, and lower jaw. The disorder most often affects one side of the face, but some patients experience pain at different times on both sides. Trigeminal Neuralgia is considered to be one of the… Read More →

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Does Driving Cause You Pain?

  Why Driving Causes Back Pain The mere act of sitting in a car seat can put strain on the back. This is because the seats do not usually allow for the lumbar curve in the spine. In fact, sitting upright in a car makes this curve non-existent, and it can put strain on the muscles and ligaments of the lower back. In addition, it can cause pressure on the discs of the lumbar region and lead to a herniation. Although many cars have decent suspension and shock absorbers, the spine is still jolted and vibrated with the passage of… Read More →

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Scoliosis is a progressive condition causing the spine to curve or twist into a “C” or “S” shape. • Scoliosis is quite common, affecting two to three in every 100 people. • In eight out of 10 cases, the condition usually develops between the ages of 10 and 16, during the growth spurt of puberty. • During adolescence, girls are much more likely to be affected. This is probably because girls typically have shorter and faster growth spurts than boys. • Scoliosis can go unnoticed in a child because it is rarely painful in the formative years. Can it be… Read More →

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  “Going through life, we experience physical, chemical, and emotional stress. These stresses affect the function of the nervous system. Chiropractic care appears to improve the ability of the body to adapt to stress.” – Dr Christopher Kent The modern world is becoming increasingly complex, and the demands on our time and attention are many. It’s often said that stress is one of the most destructive elements in people’s daily lives, but that’s only a half-truth. The way we react to stress is more important than the stress itself! There are three types of stress that affect the body: chemical… Read More →

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Chiropractic and Pregnancy

  Did you know chiropractic has many benefits before, during and after pregnancy? BEFORE you become pregnant, your doctor of chiropractic can detect any imbalances in the pelvis or elsewhere in your body that could contribute to pregnancy discomfort or possible neuromusculoskeletal problems after childbirth. Chiropractic may even help with infertility issues. The nerves that regulate and control your reproductive system exit from the spine. If there is any type of distortion or interference in those nerves that keeps them from working properly, infertility may result. A study published in the peer-reviewed Journal of Vertebral Subluxation Research looked at the… Read More →

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Migraine Headaches

Migraines occur when blood vessels of the head and neck spasm or constrict, which decreases blood flow to the brain. Minutes to hours later, the blood vessels dilate (enlarge), resulting in a severe headache. Inflammation around the blood vessels also occurs in some cases. Painkillers Experts are now saying pills that people take to relieve headaches and migraines may be making things much worse! If used more than two or three days a week, they can cause medication overuse headache. Also, research has shown that any use of opioids or barbiturates increase the risk of migraines becoming chronic. This is… Read More →

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