Starting a New Exercise Regime?

Has the festive period taken its toll and you are starting 2017 determined to be fitter and healthier? January often sees a surge in gym membership with people wanting to loose some unwanted weight or fulfilling a new year resolution to live a healthier lifestyle. In recent years, it’s not just gyms that have see this seasonal increase, extreme programmes such as boot camps are popular too. However, taking on exercise regimes your body is not used to can take its toll and the British Chiropractic Association urges people to prepare before embarking on their exercise programme. According to research… Read More →

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The modern world is becoming increasingly complex, and the demands on our time and attention are many. It’s often said that stress is one of the most destructive elements in people’s daily lives, but that’s only a half-truth. The way we react to stress is more important than the stress itself! There are three types of stress that affect the body: chemical stress, physical stress and emotional stress, all of which can create nerve interference in the body. Chemical stress includes things you ingest or inhale. Preservatives in food, medications, alcohol, smoggy air and pollen are just a few examples… Read More →

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Baby Walkers and Spinal Development

Baby companies market baby products such as a the Baby Walker, Baby Jumper, and the Bumbo Floor seat as being beneficial for baby. But are they really? According to a Baby Walker marketing ad, walkers “allow a child to explore”, when in reality a child can explore in a much safer and beneficial way by crawling. Walkers encourage walking before a child is physically, cognitively, and neurologically ready to walk. A Jumper “allows baby to enjoy healthy exercise. Babies build strength, balance & coordination safely & comfortably.” What the company fails to tell you is that while in the jumper,… Read More →

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Is Office Work Causing You Pain?

Do you often feel sore and achy after a day at work? Your workstation may be playing a part in this! Here are five helpful tips! Tip #1 – Don’t look down! Monitor height is often too low. If you find yourself looking down to see the screen, you’ve got a problem. Raise your monitor so you look straight ahead. Trust me, your neck will thank you. Your head isn’t the lightest thing in the world and looking down all the time puts a lot of strain on the muscles in your neck. It can also lead to, or worsen… Read More →

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Do You Have a Splitting Headache?

Chiropractic Care Can Help.   If you have a headache, you’re not alone. Nine out of ten people suffer from headaches. Some are occasional, some frequent, some are dull and throbbing, and some cause debilitating pain and nausea.   New research shows that spinal manipulation – the primary form of care provided by doctors of chiropractic – may be an effective treatment option for tension headaches and headaches that originate in the neck.   Chiropractic gives relief to many headache sufferers, not only in our practice but also in several studies. One study found that the majority of people who… Read More →

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Imagine having to live with fatigue, tendon and joint pain all the time. Imagine your body full of “tender points” on your neck, shoulders, chest, rib cage, lower back, thighs, knees, elbows and buttocks along with increased sensitivity to pain, heat, cold, touch and bright lights. As if the above weren’t bad enough you may have sleeplessness, irritable bowel syndrome, headaches, irritable bladder, “brain fog,” depression and/or anxiety. Sounds terrible, doesn’t it? That’s what people who suffer from fibromyalgia must endure. Millions of people, the majority being women, suffer from fibromyalgia. No one knows what causes it and why more… Read More →

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Low Back Pain

Low back pain is one of the most common conditions people suffer with, with at least four out of five adults experiencing it at some point in their lives. One of the most common causes of low back pain that we see as chiropractors is the spine or the pelvis becoming misaligned. Misalignments happen often as a result of everyday life stresses. Often it is simple things such as lifting poorly, prolonged bad posture, and sitting incorrectly that causes the spine to become misaligned. The body is supported by the spine, which carries our spinal cord and nervous system. Nerves… Read More →

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Vertigo (dizziness) and Chiropractic

Vertigo (dizziness) refers to the sensation of rotatory movement, either of the individual or the environment, and having difficulty to orientate the body in relation to surrounding subjects. It can have many causes and in most cases it is a treatable condition. The treatment used obviously depends on the cause. Dizziness is a common condition seen in the Chiropractic office. Individuals with cervicogenic (coming from the neck) dizziness will usually present with neck pain and may also experience headaches. Neck pain may only occur with palpation (when touching certain areas of the neck); therefore, many people may not realize that… Read More →

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Chiropractic can’t stop you getting old; but it might stop you feeling it! Osteoarthritis is one of the most common forms of arthritis in the UK, and around 1 million people consult their GP about it every year. Symptoms may include joint pain, ‘knobbly’ joints, tenderness, stiffness, creaking, locking of the joints, and sometimes local inflammation (swelling and warmth). There can often be something underlying years before the osteoarthritis presents (for example a gait problem, posture at work, an old injury, imbalances, poor nutrition etc) and it is important that this is identified and wherever possible improved. How can Chiropractic… Read More →

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Neck Pain

Neck pain and its related problems can become incapacitating for sufferers. Millions of people will experience neck pain at some point in their life. The head is heavy and balanced on a narrow support made up of seven bones called vertebrae. Because the neck is so mobile, it is easily injured. Neck pain can take many forms and there can be a variety of presentations. It can be either localized pain or it can refer into other areas such as the head creating a headache, numbness or pain in the arms or hands, dizziness, sinus troubles, and TMJ Syndrome. Neck… Read More →

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