High Heels

Research suggests that 59% of women wear high-heeled shoes for between one to eight hours per day. It may not be surprising then that shoes with an increased heel height have been linked to low back pain. When you wear high heels, most of your weight is supported by the ball of your foot. That part of your foot, unfortunately, wasn’t meant to do the kind of heavy lifting your heel is designed for. To compensate for the high heel, you end up adjusting your posture, which is detrimental to your long-term spinal health. Your back’s normal s-curve acts as… Read More →

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How Do You Sleep?

Do you wake up with a sore neck or back in the mornings? Do you stomach sleep? Try walking around with your head turned to one side. It won’t take long for you to begin feeling pain, soreness, dizziness or neck/shoulder tension. Your body doesn’t like this standing up, and I promise you that it doesn’t like it when you’re lying face down with your head on a pillow either. The fact is, wrenching your head and neck in this way for even just a few minutes while sleeping can significantly strain the muscles and ligaments of the spine. Repeatedly… Read More →

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